Nankin Lab: A Symphony of Destruction and Rebirth

Exploring the Unique Design Philosophy of Pau Garcia and Pol Trias

Delving into the innovative world of Nankin Lab, a design studio that finds beauty in destruction and rebirth. The brainchild of designers Pau Garcia and Pol Trias, Nankin Lab's unique approach to corporate design has earned them a prestigious Platinum A' Design Award.

Designers Pau Garcia and Pol Trias, the creative minds behind Nankin Lab, have always believed in the existence of a plan B - an alternative way to manipulate images and objects, to find joy in the process, and to create a unique design concept. This philosophy is the cornerstone of their work at Nankin Lab, a design studio that thrives on the ephemeral beauty of destruction and reconstruction.

There's a certain pleasure derived from witnessing a building's collapse, tearing a piece of paper, or popping a balloon. These fleeting moments, lasting less than a second, are intense and exhilarating. Nankin Lab harnesses these emotions, using them as a catalyst to generate innovative projects. The studio's visual identity is a testament to this approach, focusing on the idea of graphic destruction through bold color harmonies and sans serif fonts.

The Nankin Lab project, which began in 2013 in Barcelona, has been showcased at the International Graphic Design Festival of France and is set to feature in a gallery in Barcelona soon. The project's key challenge was to seamlessly integrate the physical essence of the brand with its digital aspect, a feat that was successfully achieved by the design team.

Tagged with keywords such as 'destruction', 'construction', 'yellow', and 'rebuilding', Nankin Lab's work is a testament to the studio's unique design philosophy. The studio's work, including Nankin Lab Cards, Nankin Lab Stationery, and Nankin Lab Double Pencil, has been visually captured through the lens of designers Pau Alekumsalaam and Pol Trias.

In recognition of their innovative approach to design, Nankin Lab was awarded the Platinum A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2014. This prestigious award recognizes world-class, exceptional, and highly innovative designs that contribute to societal wellbeing, push the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology, and make the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Pau Garcia & Pol Trias
Image Credits: Image #1: Designer Pau Alekumsalaam, Nankin Lab Cards, 2012 // Image #2: Designer Pau Alekumsalaam, Nankin Lab Stationery, 2012 // Image #3: Designer Pau Alekumsalaam, Nankin Lab Stationery, 2012 // Image #4: Industrial Designer Pol Trias, Nankin Lab Double Pencil, 2012 // Image #3: Designer Pau Alekumsalaam, Nankin Lab Poster, 2012
Project Team Members: Pau Garcia and Pol Trias
Project Name: Nankin Lab
Project Client: Pau Garcia & Pol Trias

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Nankin Lab IMG #4
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Nankin Lab IMG #5

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